September 24, 2011

No. This is not Steelers' country.

This is kind of about Wal-Mart.  The Wasilla Wal-Mart is weird.  The Eagle River Wal-Mart seemed almost cozy.  Safe and homey.  This not. 

But this post is about football.  Wal-Mart was just the location of the offense crime incident.   

Now, I was not feeling quite...vapid..vain...self-righteous..enough to pull out my phone and start taking pictures.  Words will have to do for this post.

As I approached the entrance on a sunny Saturday afternoon, there was a table set up.  Two football jersey-clad middle-school age boys were behind this banner.

They were selling something.

I should explain something, because I can already sense your confusion.

There's an intramural football team for 4th(ish)-8th(ish) graders in my school district.  They are called the "Mat-Su Steelers".  I'm not sure why...but I know that if you are a Steelers fan around here, it is for this team that you cheer.

Completely ridiculous, I know.

Just as ridiculous is the fact that they use PITTSBURGH STEELERS gear to advertise their team.

It's okay.  As a Pittsburgh Steelers fan, you have a right to feel infuriatingly confused.  I do.

The time has come.  The Penn State pennant is no longer enough.  I do believe these are going up on my classroom wall this week.

PA solidarity.

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