Not to be confused with "Monday already?".
Here's the thing: I spent most of last week in a Sunday Scaries mentality, knowing I have 44 days of school left. Plus I had a lot I wanted to accomplish with my spring break and I did...very little of it? I think I froze up.
Monday, we had a vet appointment. Scout had an infection a month and a half ago, and they wanted to do one more recheck. Then we went to the chiropractor. Tuesday was Sutton's birthday. We went out for lunch, stopped at Aldi, and then had cake and presents at home. Wednesday, I woke up feeling awful...a cold? dizzy? ugh. But Sutton had her 3 year appointment so off we went. I don't remember the rest of the day. Thursday, *I* had my regular annual doctor's appointment. I do like my PA so it was just one more thing to check off the list (before I grab those medical records and run from Missouri). I was supposed to have an eye appointment too, to renew my contacts prescription but they had to reschedule. Friday, I finally made it to the library and then I went to get my hair highlighted. It was only my second time having it done professionally and it's such a nice treat.
Anyway, the funny thing about Thursday and Friday is that Scott had taken off work to take care of some house projects and the kids wanted to stay home with him. All I needed him for when it came to watching them was for the hair appointment; I could, and have in the past, wrangled kids at all kinds of appointments and situations. They legitimately just wanted to stay home with him. I feel like I'm entering a whole new era of parenting with Sutton getting older now.
Saturday was Sutton's birthday party and then Sunday was my day to catch up and prep for...another week.