April 21, 2011

Lent and Two Soups

The season of Lent is almost over. 

My grand plan was to give up ice cream and candy.  I was eating both everyday.  I'll readily admit that I have little to no self-control when it comes to ice cream, cookies, or candy. 

I had put on a couple of pounds throughout the process of packing, moving, and getting settled in Palmer.  That's all well and good...I could gain a few pounds without much notice.  But the second the jeans start getting tight...ugh.  You know the feeling...that feeling needed to be squelched. 

So the grand plan was to cut out ice cream and candy, get super toned, and loosen those jeans up. 

But it didn't exactly work that way.  

You see, I replaced the candy and the ice cream with cookies and brownies.  When I say that I've been baking cookies or brownies at least twice a week, it's the truth. 

I completely missed the point of Lent.  You can't replace a bad habit with another bad habit!

As Scott said, at least I'd be getting calcium from the ice cream!  Ridiculous...I can't believe it took me 5 weeks (FIVE WEEKS) to figure this out.

So I've resolved to give up baking for awhile.  I have this thing for cookies with melty chocolate in them.  Straight out of the oven.  Gooey.  Warm.  Buttery.  (And the tray of warm, gooey, melty, buttery, chocolate cookies is most likely what I can attribute the tight jeans to, right?)

I'm going to stop buying stuff to bake with.  I can whip up cookie dough or brownie mix faster than you can blink once I put my mind to it.  I must be stopped.

However, I shall be enjoying candy and ice cream in moderation after this Sunday :)     

SO.  I've made two really great soups this week.  Chicken Pot Pie Soup on Sunday and Creamy Tomato Soup on Wednesday.  Both are also super healthy.  The ladies who created them do such nice jobs with their food blogs.  So I'll just direct you straight to them.  I didn't really change anything.

Next year, I think I'll add something into my routine for the Lenten season.  Maybe amp it up to two vegetables a day or something.  (oh, and i have not had ice cream or candy in over 5 weeks.  nope, not even on sundays.)