January 19, 2012

It's OK Thursday

Forgive me.  This is a bit last minute and thrown together.
*I also had every intention of doing the Improv Challenge today, but my blog ate my post.  Or something like that.  Seriously, something weird and bad happened with the coding and in an attempt to save my blog, I had to delete the post.  Don't even try to think I could explain.  Html is my enemy.

Kinda like yeast.  I ruined a loaf of bread the other day too.
I'm linking up with Brunch with Amber and A Complete Waste of Make-Up for another installment of....

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK...

....to make your husband a construction paper Valentine's Day card.  It's *almost* in the mail.  Gimme a couple more days of procrastination.

...to be just tickled that you haven't spent a dime at Starbucks since Oct. 20th.  EXCEPT for that ONE time with a FRIEND.  Because that was about socialization.  And I couldn't exactly say, "Sure, we can go to Starbucks.  I'll bring my own thermos full 'o coffee."  (Oh, that's ANY and EVERY coffee shop that I've avoided.  Not just Starbucks.)

...to think, "I wonder what would happen if I went to the gym EVERY day..." and then to actually try it.

...to say you're going to read the entire Bible this year, but to still be on Genesis (I'm almost done!).  Suggestions on Bible-reading plans???

...to stop watching the news because it will just remind you that it's cold outside.

...to accomplish one major task per day from the to-do list.  You can't do the post office, bank, laundry, and dishes all at once, people.

...to think it's funny that I have "kitchen duty" in the staff lounge this week at school.  I don't even do my dishes at home.  They expect way too much of me.  I'm already spending my lunch period today holding auditions for a play I've spontaneously decided to put on.  

What's okay with you this week?  Link on up!