November 27, 2012

Apple-Butter Bread

Two recipes in two days?  
 I made this bread a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it  In fact, I've got another Granny Smith in the crisper that would be perfect for another loaf. Also, I've been hoarding this recipe, we were out past 8pm last night, and I'm tired.  My first priority upon waiting up 30 minutes late (yes, just now), is checking blogs/email.
I think I have a problem.

Topped with more apple butter, of course
I posted some Whole Wheat Pumpkin Bread a couple of weeks ago.  Let's get this straight:  I'm all about cooking with whole wheat flour.  It's healthy.  Whole-grains are good.  I get it.  But I can't do it anymore.  I think I have a very specific wheat-type allergy (no, not allergic to gluten..any other ideas?)
So I used all-purpose flour in this bread and it was wonderful.  It gets the brown color from the apple butter.  I didn't use any kind of bran, oats, or whole wheat.

My vegan friend Angi shared a recipe link with me and I thought, "I shall make it today!".  Then I was all, "Eh, I don't wanna go buy a pear...or crystalized ginger...and I'm gonna use eggs instead of chia seeds."

The day before I had bought some lovely MacIntosh apples that were just begging to be used in a pie or crisp. I have a lot of trouble finding MacIntosh apples here, so the window of opportunity had presented itself.

So I got the idea to bake a quick bread from the recipe link below, but I kinda just went off on a whim and added what I thought would be good.  It was probably the best quick bread I've ever made.  I cannot believe it turned out as tasty as it did.  I credit the apple butter.

Apple-Butter Bread
Inspired by/ quite adapted from this recipe

-1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
-1 t. baking powder
-1 t. baking soda
-1/4 cup white sugar
-1/4 cup brown sugar
-1 t. cinnamon
-1 t. ground ginger

Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl.

-2 eggs
-1 t. vanilla
-1/4 cup apple butter
-1/4 cup oil (I used canola.)

Whisk wet ingredients together in a smaller bowl.

-1 large or 2 small MacIntosh apple(s), peeled and diced

Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ones with a wooden spoon until combined.

Fold in the diced apple.

Pour into a greased 9x5 loaf pan and bake at 350* for 40-50 minutes.