November 15, 2012

Something I'm really bad at.

Running errands.

I hate it.

And I'm incredibly irresponsible when it comes to doing so.

If I need to stop at the store, I will talk myself out of it pretty quickly.  Unless it's for ice cream or wine, my lazy side usually wins.

Don't even get me started on the post office.  I loathe the post office.  In fact, I had to send out poor Jen's giveaway prize on Wednesday (I told her I would do it Tuesday, but on Tuesday my lazy side obviously won...).  I went to the post office at lunch time, stood in line for 10 minutes, and then drove back to school. Why did I go at lunch?  Because I knew I had to buckle down and grade papers during my planning period. Going after school isn't even a question.  I would've driven right past it.  I go nowhere after school.  I went to Wal-Mart at 7:30am the other day to get dinner supplies because I knew there was no way I'd go out after dark, which is about 4:30pm these days.

At any given time, I have a "to-do" list on my phone.  And in my planner.  And usually 2 to 3 lists laying around somewhere.

This is currently in my phone.  I've included a key because, well, in the event of my untimely demise, I'm pretty sure no one would ever be able to decode my notes.

That could be to my benefit...

Oh, and in my planner I also have this pretty much duplicated.  Along with the 7 things I've suddenly decided I need to bake this weekend.  And the haircut I desperately need to get.

How ree-di-cu-lous.

How do you stay organized?  I mean, I AM organized.  I just procrastinate and procrastinate. For example, I know I've got a week left in the bottle of conditioner I already have.  So I'll see Sally's maybe by next Wednesday.  Maybe.