November 14, 2012


Sweater: Target ($16 on clearance) // Scarf: Land's End  //  Pants: Gap Outlet
Yesterday, I was reminded of how undeserving and blessed I am to have the job I do.  
I was absent from school last Friday.
Yesterday, I went back for the start of a 4-day week and I found this on my desk.
A student had left it there on Friday.

Some key phrases:
"My teacher's name is Mrs. Darhower it sounds just like it looks."
Parents, in particular, can't pronounce my last name to save their lives.  So that's the trick I give them.

" teacher...doesn't like to go camping.."
Yesssss.  They do listen to me.

"...but most of all she is smart I mean even though this is her third year teaching she wouldn't be a teacher if she wasn't smart. Would she haha?"
Oh, she has no idea.

"She also knows us very well."
They're pretty predictable.

"...the most awsmest teacher I'v EVER had and I love her."

And that's what will get me through the week.