March 15, 2013

High 5 For Friday

Once again, trying to keep the positivity going on High 5 for Friday. Or, at least, not make it whiny.

1.  Last week, I took a picture IN THE MORNING BEFORE SCHOOL.  This was before the devil known as Daylight Savings Time descended upon us, but still.  We're making some progress toward spring up here in tundra-land.

You can't see much, but the skirt is from the Base Exchange (one of the only 3 skirts I ever wear here) and the shirt is from American Eagle a few years ago.  Boots are Steve Madden.  (I apologize for my lack of variety.)
It's not like it was warm or anything, but daylight is daylight.

2.  Scott got his caribou.  FINALLY.  Thank the Good Lord that hunting is over (forever).  Just kidding.  He'll find turkeys or wild pigs or velociraptors or something to hunt in the lower 48, I'm sure.

3.  I did a lot of workouts this week!
Monday: Body Blast x2 (120 minutes total)
Tuesday: Abs/Glutes/Legs class (I felt this mostly in my legs)
Wednesday: TurboKick
Thursday: Ab/Glutes/Legs class LOL I did nothing concerning exertion or productivity yesterday.
Friday: Planning on Body Blast 
Saturday: Planning on RIPPED

4.  This will make you laugh. Watch the shoes.

5.  I got this blazer at Tar-jay for $9.  It was on clearance for $20 two weeks ago, but that was too much for something from the clearance rack ($15 is my limit).  It feels like a sweatshirt but, I'm sure, comes off as much classier.

Happy weekend!