Just kidding. I hate that song.
I'm having trouble thinking of what I would like to blog about.
Currently, I'm working on getting a job. We're only here for a year. I'm hoping to find something, though it will most likely be substituting. While the money Scott makes is most certainly our money and always has been, I would enjoy a steady income...not only for the cash value of the money (though it'd be nice!), but for the sense of being productive that I'd get from it.
Perhaps I'm bored?
This isn't actually anything new. I've gone through it every summer since 2008. I feel hapless and directionless during the summer months because, traditionally, I don't have a job to go to.
I've always been taught that if you can do something, you should do it. My mother often said, "What ELSE would be doing?" years ago when I'd complain about not wanting to go to my job waiting tables. As in, "Don't waste your time, do something productive". That's probably why I make sure I go to the gym almost everyday: I have no reason not to. It's why I kept trucking along at my job in Alaska, even when Scott was deployed and other army wives went on extended vacations to be with family. I had no reason not to work. Kind of like now. I have no reason not to; just looking for something that will give me fulfillment. My degree is in teaching, and my interest is there too. I just don't know, with this moving thing, how feasible finding jobs will actually be. And what if we settled down within the next few years (for good) and I can't find a job? That's a whole new worry, right?
I remember last summer, when I had way too much time on my hands, waking up itchy in the middle of the night. I'd be completely unable to sleep through the night. (This was the time period in which I became obsessed with Downton Abbey...and watched two seasons in two days.) I'd be anxious and worried for no apparent reason. It's happening again, and I believe it stems from not having enough to do. I don't necessarily know how to fix this. It's not an over-indulgence of caffeine, or a room that's too hot, or paper-writing or something keeping me up all night. It's, I'm pretty sure, plain old boredom.
While I'm not sure what the point of this post is (and don't I hate it when bloggers say that...), but I suppose I'm asking for direction? If you tell me what you'd like to see here, it'd give me something to spend time on. (ice cream..please say ice cream...)
I mean, the nearest Target is 45 minutes away. Goodness knows I now need a place to spend my time.
Last week, I watched the movie The Giant Mechanical Man. Have you seen it? If you have Netflix, give it a try. It stars Jenna Fischer (her husband was the director), and to get a feel for the character she plays, think of Pam Beesley in season one of The Office. Then make her one thousand times more introverted. Then you have Janice, her character in this movie.
I've always been taught that if you can do something, you should do it. My mother often said, "What ELSE would be doing?" years ago when I'd complain about not wanting to go to my job waiting tables. As in, "Don't waste your time, do something productive". That's probably why I make sure I go to the gym almost everyday: I have no reason not to. It's why I kept trucking along at my job in Alaska, even when Scott was deployed and other army wives went on extended vacations to be with family. I had no reason not to work. Kind of like now. I have no reason not to; just looking for something that will give me fulfillment. My degree is in teaching, and my interest is there too. I just don't know, with this moving thing, how feasible finding jobs will actually be. And what if we settled down within the next few years (for good) and I can't find a job? That's a whole new worry, right?
I remember last summer, when I had way too much time on my hands, waking up itchy in the middle of the night. I'd be completely unable to sleep through the night. (This was the time period in which I became obsessed with Downton Abbey...and watched two seasons in two days.) I'd be anxious and worried for no apparent reason. It's happening again, and I believe it stems from not having enough to do. I don't necessarily know how to fix this. It's not an over-indulgence of caffeine, or a room that's too hot, or paper-writing or something keeping me up all night. It's, I'm pretty sure, plain old boredom.
While I'm not sure what the point of this post is (and don't I hate it when bloggers say that...), but I suppose I'm asking for direction? If you tell me what you'd like to see here, it'd give me something to spend time on. (ice cream..please say ice cream...)
I mean, the nearest Target is 45 minutes away. Goodness knows I now need a place to spend my time.
Last week, I watched the movie The Giant Mechanical Man. Have you seen it? If you have Netflix, give it a try. It stars Jenna Fischer (her husband was the director), and to get a feel for the character she plays, think of Pam Beesley in season one of The Office. Then make her one thousand times more introverted. Then you have Janice, her character in this movie.
By the end of the movie, you'll realize that the characters who think they have it all figured out are just assholes anyway. I don't want to be like them. But I also don't want to wade through the mud, aimlessly, in hopes of attaining a dream. It's a tricky concept, right?