Grocery shopping: I spent so much time pining away for cool grocery stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods over the last couple of years.
This is my current Trader Joe's situation.
I am the red star.
Blog shilling: situation in which you use your blog as a platform to shill products you don't care about because someone will send you a free sample if you do. And/or recommending a product you don't know much about. Or a product no one really cares about.
If you post in this way, I usually don't read them. If someone asks me to shill a product (I love that word), I don't do it anymore unless there's specifically something in it for me. I know that sounds bad, but think about it: I'm not going to wax poetic about your product if you're not willing to exchange goods/services.
A perfect example was Firmoo. They wanted me to give away a pair of sunglasses. They wouldn't send me a pair to review because I didn't have enough followers. But they wanted me to recommend them, talk about how great they were, post all kinds of links tracking back to their website...but I wasn't allowed to try them. Why would I recommend something I've never tried? That'd be like saying, "Go to this restaurant because it's the best ever!" when I'd never been there myself.
I would think that anyone who takes the time to read this blog would deserve and expect better from me.
Weather: You've all heard, I'm sure, about Alaska's recent heat wave. The news has not stopped talking about the fact that people in Alaska can wear bathings suits now for, potentially, the first time ever. (So untrue, actually, because Alaskans go on more tropical vacations than anyone else I've ever known.)
However, I've been getting a lot of, "Wish you were here to enjoy this, Kristin!" in regards to the warm weather there. where exactly do these people think I've moved?
Notice the cool-down on Sunday :(
A lady was staring, with great fascination, at my Alaska license plate when I came out of Target yesterday. She said she was looking for where in Alaska it was from. I said, "Anchorage", she just looked at me, and then I said, "Oh, it's mine". It took her a minute to realize that I was the Alaskan car's owner...not some person stopping to examine a random car. Like her.
I'm drinking the Robin Thicke Kool-Aid. This might be the catchiest song I've ever heard. Oh well.
Oh, and my brothers are turning 24 today. That's older than I was when I got married, which now means that I'm *officially*-officially old.