November 11, 2013

Stuff and things.

-Someone found my blog by searching "exposed neck phobia".  Remember this post?  "Exposed neck phobia" sounds about right.

-I had the kids make up their own Cause and Effect examples last week.  I swear I've made no mention of "write about a pig".  This is one student's example:

"The pig was mad." ---> "I calmed the pig down."

-By the way, I've almost finished season 2 of Jericho.  At this point, I'm invested.  I can't believe they ended this show.  I might stage a protest to bring it back 6 years after the fact.  Hey, it worked the first time...

-I invested in a Clarisonic Mia 2.  I know.  I don't like that I had to resort to this, but I've been tossing around the idea for about a year.  On Saturday, I thought, "I'll check at Target when I'm there tomorrow" (side note: I spent Sunday at Target).  Then, as soon as I walked into the PX on Saturday night, there was a giant display right in front of me.  It was a sign.

Missouri humidity has not been kind to my skin.  I just feel like it's always gross and grimy and when people say, "I have A pimple, can you believe it?!", I want to hit them because I always have like 5 at once.

So I'm giving the Clarisonic a try.  Have you used one?  What do you think?

-The Walking Dead about put me to sleep on Sunday.  I mean, it's like they're afraid to commit to killing anyone off.  Hershel can only save so many lives and I hope I'm speaking too soon when I say that it's not shocking me the way I want it to.

-Who's ready to go back to work tomorrow?  Yeah. Me either.
In other news, I spilled water on my alarm clock the other night.  It started making all kinds of robotic beeping noises.  I managed to unplug it without being electrocuted.  Now, I don't have an alarm clock, so I have a feeling it might be a difficult week (I don't trust my phone and, yeah, I know how crazy that sounds).