Dress: Gap outlet // Shoes: Famous Footwear (Dr. Scholl's..can you believe that?)
When we move, I lose my appetite. The last move, I ate nothing but sour patch kids and m&ms for a few days. This time, I'm eating lot of popcorn. I have no desire to cook. I pulled everything out of the cupboards and it looks like this.
That's my planner with a billion and six things written in it for the next week. That's my bottle of water. And that's my glass of wine. Not in a wine glass, of course. Those have been packed for weeks. I'm slowly emptying out one room at a time and I have very little confidence in my ability to transport everything that's left out to Colorado.
This is 1/10 of it.
I also have to find a laundromat. And I don't have any furniture.
All my friends but one have already moved away, so I don't have a whole lot of people to spend time with now that school's out. I've popped back into the gym for the first time in months. I've cut the grass and weed-whacked the unruly yard because they are showing our house to potential renters.
I'm onto the middle of season 4 of Gossip Girl. Look at my empty little house and you'll understand why I need the constant amusement of this vapid, dramatic show.
I can't stop laughing at the ridiculousness.
This coming week includes: a laundromat, a trip or two to the gym, a dentist appointment, a trip to Tennessee to visit friends for 24 hours or so, a professional house cleaning, a hotel stay, a drive through Kansas, maybe finally making it into Colorado Springs, etc, etc.
The week after that includes trying to schedule appointments in my new state, seeing my new school and filling out paperwork (more on my new job soon), and unpacking all the stuff. Like, all of it. We have a lot of stuff.
Cheers to first world problems, I guess.