May 29, 2014

Stuff and Things 5/29

Can't stop watching Gossip Girl….

Chuck:  You were late.
Blair: I got caught in a text flurry… with Dorota.

The next time I'm late it will be because of a text flurry.

Scott asked if he could watch Game of Thrones the other night as I was laying in bed trying to watch Mad Men.  I said, "Yeah…can you bring me my headphones?"  He said, "YOU HAVE A PROBLEM."  He knew I meant "Bring me my headphones so I can watch Gossip Girl on the iPad while you watch (the recently most boring) Game of Thrones on t.v. and we can still lay here and pretend we're spending time together."  This is how well we know each other after 5 years of marriage.

I hated the Mad Men finale.  Like, could barely watch it.  Thoughts?  Weiner better bring it next spring.  Or maybe I'm so accustomed to the drama on the above-mentioned show that anything else would pale in comparison.

Onto other things…

I got a new blog design from the sweet Angi at Angi Clark Designs.  She was kind enough to a) suggest it, and b) do it for free as a moving present.   I realized that I get a new one every time we move.

Our life has been pushed into upheaval mode.  Again.  We're PCSing with a full do-it-yourself move over the next week.  Woo-hoo.

This little guy turned one year old over the weekend.

And I bought a new dog basket that says "Things".  To go with the basket that says "Stuff".  
Get it?

You can join in here!

There are no rules.  You can grab the image if you want. A link back to me is, of course, appreciated but I think we're all friends here.  If you think of some Stuff and Things you'd like to share, feel free to link on up.

1. SMD @ Life According to Steph  3. Kristen @ Three Ps  
2. Joey @ Hodgespodges  4. Angi @ It's Just Angi  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Awesome new design! I really like that your tabs are along the top now.

  2. What season are you on? Have you started wanting to wear fancy clothes everywhere you go? I wish I was on that show. So good.

  3. Ok the stuff & things. I love it. That's awesome.

    I haven't watched the finale of Mad Men yet. This entire half season has limped a little.

    Happy birthday Scout!

  4. Oh gosh I DO THE SAME THING! I'll sit with my headphones in while J watches some kind of crap on TV and pretend we're spending time together! But in my opinion, it's a win win--we don't spend 30 minutes arguing about what to watch! And not to call you out--but you hate texting. You'd never get caught in a text flurry ;)

  5. You are brave to do another full dity move. I would love my mind. A partial is as far as we will ever go haha.

  6. I love the new design! We do the same thing when it comes to tv shows. I wasn't a fan of the finale either and I'm hoping it's better in the spring!

  7. I've watched 2 episodes of the first season of Gossip Girl so far. And I didn't hate it. Are you so proud of me??

    Thanks for the shout out - I'm happy you like your new design!! Thanks for letting me practice on you. ;)

    I love Scout's Stuff and Things baskets. Could not be more perfect.

  8. Happy Birthday, Scout!! Those baskets are great!

  9. Brandon gets mad if I don't pay attention to shows with him. Sometimes I just want to read blogs :P

  10. I was totally not happy with the "mid-season" finale of Mad Men. And what is up with calling it a "mid-season" finale when they're not finishing the season until 2015? Doesn't that, in fact, make it a season finale, and the final season is actually in 2015? Weird.

    I can't remember now (since it's been awhile) why I wasn't thrilled with that episode. I knew I should've emailed you after I watched it...


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