July 11, 2014

"New" Kitchen Cabinets

Scott started asking on Monday when I was going to blog about the cabinets.  Monday was the day we finished the weekend project, which was painting 1/3 of the cabinets, raising the cabinets to accommodate our own refrigerator, and swapping out the refrigerators…We swapped out refrigerators by hauling one up 14 deck steps and the old one down 14 deck steps.  There was a point where I thought the steps were going to collapse.

(This made me laugh all the harder when I watched two Lowe's deliverymen huff and puff and they dollied the new oven across the grass and into the walk-out basement door.  Weak.)

My goal this week was to recap the remodel so far, but since Scott won't stop talking about the cabinets, today it's cabinets.

We are both fans of white antique wood.  We are, in fact, anti-modern when it comes to decorating.  Looking at the stained glass light fixture with my colonial artwork, the word classic comes to mind.

I'm a fan of prints and patterns and florals.  Don't bring geometry into my house.  Or red.  I don't like the color red.  I don't even put a whole lot of geometrical patterns into my wardrobe.

When shopping for a house, we were looking for solid wood cabinets already in place to be our starting point in the kitchen.  We were in total agreement over painting the cabinets an antique white.  This is Valspar's Churchill Hotel Navajo White.  I picked it by matching the sample cards up to the cabinets I liked in the store.  Sneaky, sneaky.  No $10,000 cabinets for us…

After Scott removed the cabinets and the hardware, I painted them.  3 coats.  After they dried, he went over them with Valspar Mocha translucent glaze. The neat thing about the glaze is that you can go back and add more anytime you want.  We'll probably go through and darken the "creases" when all is said and done.

I think my downfall is taking "before" pictures.  I think I'm afraid that if I concentrate on the "before" too hard, I'll start to cry.  This is what they looked like.

My work station

Picture a quartz countertop on there.  Coming soon.

After looking at hardware at Lowe's and Home Depot, we found what we liked at Wal-Mart.  $20 for 10 knobs and they are heavy.  Perfect for the antique look.

And then, here is the finished product.  The countertops still need to be replaced and that should happen this fall.  The floor will be bamboo and I'm looking for wall color suggestions.  I was thinking a light olive green?  I actually like yellow, but I have plans for the master bedroom and bath to be yellow.  

Normally I hate cluttered fridges, but these magnets represent our travels. 

New chalkboard from Target

Glassware that needs a home.  Probably in those top cupboards.

This is mostly likely as far as we'll get on the kitchen for now.  This coming weekend, we need to concentrate on the floor and the guest bedroom (first guests coming next month!).  Or rather, I'm going to tell Scott that I think we need to concentrate on the floor and the guest bedroom.  He has thoughts of putting in the double oven but to do so would require him to rip out the dishwasher and sink and I refuse to be left with a torn apart kitchen if he ends up going into the field for a few weeks.