February 19, 2015

Stuff and Things 2/19

+I had a whole post written, realized I didn't like it, and now I'm starting over.

+The Oscars are on this weekend.  Scott has a bet on American Sniper winning Best Picture and Bradley Cooper winning Best Actor.  I actually didn't see American Sniper, but I have a feeling it will depress me.  Scott really liked it and, in my humble opinion, Bradley Cooper should win Best Actor all the time.  I still rewatch Silver Linings Playbook every once in awhile. 

+This article on Slate ranks all the Oscar nominees.  I haven't seen many of the movies because I'm not a movie person, but I did see The Imitation Game (very good), Big Hero 6 (cute enough), Into the Woods (dumb), and part of How to Train Your Dragon 2 (Scott likes animated movies).  Gone Girl is on my list, but I've seen none of the others.  I feel very out of touch.  

+But I will be watching on Sunday.  Because we have the opportunity of winning $550 and I need to celebrate if that's the case.

+Some days you feel really put together, clothes-wise.  Yesterday one one of those days. To the non-blogger though, I just look like I'm wearing blue stripes with black, and black with brown, and two different stripe patterns.  

I had trouble getting a decent picture.  I'm out of practice.

Boots: Madden Girl // Leggings: Athleta (they have pockets! acceptable for work!) // Shirt: Gap // Sweater: Forever21 // Scarf: Target