December 10, 2012

Gingerbread Oreo Truffles: Crazy for Crust

Today, I have a real treat for you.

Dorothy from Crazy for Crust is sharing Gingerbread Oreo Pumpkin Truffles.  Holy cow, right?
I "met" Dorothy over a year ago (through some link-up or another, I'm sure).  
I've learned that she never misses the mark when it comes to amazing desserts and I rarely miss a post of hers!  Crazy for Crust is on my must-read list every single day.
I'm actually quite humbled that she wanted to do a guest post for y'all while I'm away.  
She's, like, a professional at this :)
Thanks Dorothy!

Hello there kNookers! I'm Dorothy, from Crazy for Crust, where I bake like a maniac and then talk your ear off while I blog about it. I'm so excited to be here in Kristin's house. I "met" Kristin, gosh, over a year ago now? I think I fell in love with her because, well, she loves ice cream. And cheesecake. {In fact, that cheesecake was one of the first posts of hers I read. And I fell in loooove!} And since, I've grown to look forward to all her non-food posts too, like Sunday Funnies and It's Okay Thursday.

Really, I just wish she'd move away from Alaska and into Sacramento, so she could Turbo Kick my bottom into a better size jeans.

Because really. When Oreo comes out with new flavors every five seconds, how am I supposed to say no?

{Hint: I won't.}

These Gingerbread Oreos are amazing. Like, superfantasticaldelicious. It's all I can do NOT to eat them all while I make stuff with them.

Because that's another thing I love to do over on Crazy for Crust, besides talk you into submission. I take perfectly good treats and make them crazier. Like Snicker's. Or Almond Joys. It's just what I do. Then I go to they gym and pretend I'm all cool and work out for 30 minutes on the elliptical and expect the cookies to magically disappear. #theydon't

It's a vicious cycle. One I'm perfectly happy to repeat day in and day out.


I knew I was going to make truffles with these Oreos. But, the if there is one thing I've learned in blogland, it's that someone else always does it first. I knew it would be about 5 seconds before someone made Gingerbread Oreo truffles. So I had to come up with something New! Shiny! and Different!

I looooove pumpkin with my gingerbread. In fact, when I make pumpkin cheesecake, I use a gingerbread crust. I figured, why not add some pumpkin into the Oreo/cream cheese mixture? Why not indeed. These little guys are pure bites of Fall. Spicy from the Gingerbread Oreo, pumpkin-y from the pumpkin. The perfect thing for this time of year.

And, if you crush all the Oreos in the food processor and then eat the truffles, it's like you're not eating Oreos at all. And you're having pumpkin. Therefore, these truffles are healthy!

{If you like my logic, you'll fit in nicely with me over at Crazy for Crust. Come visit and say hi!}

Thanks again for having me Kristin! I hope you're off finding more funny K-Stew for me. I look forward to it every week!

Gingerbread Oreo Pumpkin Truffles
Makes about 24 depending on size.

20 Gingerbread Oreos
2 ounces cream cheese
3 tablespoons pumpkin puree
1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
About 10 ounces white candy melts
Pop sticks or a candy mold

  1. Place cookies in a food processor. Process for a few seconds until coarsely chopped. Add cream cheese, pumpkin puree, and pumpkin pie spice to the food processor and process until mixture is smooth. Chill for 30 minutes.
  2. Scoop 1” balls of truffle mixture and roll into a uniform shape. (Use slightly wet hands if your dough is too sticky.) Place balls on a wax-paper lined cookie sheet and chill for at least another 30 minutes, to overnight.
  3. Melt candy melts according to package directions. (I like to preheat an electric griddle to 200 degrees and cover it with 2 kitchen towels. Then I place the bowl of melted candy on it to keep the candy warm in the cold winter months.) The truffles are on the soft side, and are hard to dip as just a truffle. Using lollipop sticks and very cold truffles make it easier to dip. Dip one end of the stick in the melted chocolate and then place it in the truffle. Immediately dip the truffle without swirling it. Tap off the excess chocolate and place on the cookie sheet to harden.
  4. Alternately, you can use a candy mold (any shape, I used a peanut butter cup mold). Fill 1/3 full with melted candy, then add a small amount of the truffle dough, then top with more melted candy. Tap to settle, and freeze until hardened before removing.