1. What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?
I have no recollection of this, but it's the Thanksgiving story in my family.
Though you can't tell by looking at me now, I was an overachiever as a child and started walking well before I was 11 months old (I think it was the 9-10 month range..I should ask about this.)
For my first Thanksgiving in 1986, my parents (not quite keeping a watchful eye on their only child) allowed me to meander over to the open basement door and tumble down a full flight of stairs, smacking my head on the concrete below. I ended up spending my first Thanksgiving in the ER with a concussion.
My parents are just lucky I've turned out to be so darn well-adjusted.
2. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Pecan pie. This one.
3. What is a Thanksgiving tradition you and your family have?
Uhhh..the last Thanksgiving I spent with my family was in 2008, so other than cooking and eating dinner all before 1pm (I'm serious. They eat early.), I don't know. I spent 2009 with some friends in Alaska, 2010 with Scott and some friends at our house in Alaska, 2011 with Scott at a friend's house in Alaska.
I asked Scott what we would do for Thanksgiving this year, as it's next week. He shrugged his shoulders, "We'll see what happens." As long as it includes moscato, pecan pie, and some kind of tasty appetizer, I'll be happy.
4. Show us a Thanksgiving picture from years past.
This is from 2010. Feels like a lifetime. We've grown so much. Financially, emotionally, mentally, physically. Yes. It was a lifetime ago. Also, we look so darn young.
5. What are you looking forward to most about this Thanksgiving?
Not having it serve the purpose of a farewell get-together. Last year was like a last hoorah before the brigade left for deployment. Ugh. It was eighteen kinds of awful. But the food was good.
funny stuffs.
So I think this cat is hilarious.
Yes. That's me.
It makes me really sad* when there are grown women, with children and families, posting Breaking Dawn (part 2!!!) pictures on Facebook.
I think this picture needs to be sent to all those women.
Like, for real. Get a life.
Or at least watch something with real vampires in it.
Ring, ring, hookah. Ring, ring.
*I don't know if "sad" is the right word. "Fear for the future" is more appropriate.
Rick and Daryl did not win the presidency. I think America will regret that decision.
So I think this cat is hilarious.
Yes. That's me.
It makes me really sad* when there are grown women, with children and families, posting Breaking Dawn (part 2!!!) pictures on Facebook.
I think this picture needs to be sent to all those women.
Like, for real. Get a life.
Or at least watch something with real vampires in it.
Ring, ring, hookah. Ring, ring.
*I don't know if "sad" is the right word. "Fear for the future" is more appropriate.
Rick and Daryl did not win the presidency. I think America will regret that decision.